Psychotherapy & counseling for people in toxic relationships.

Was your relationship initially too good to be true? Have you been lifted up to heaven and suddenly found yourself in hell? Do you feel drained and disoriented and keep thinking it's just you? Are you inexplicably becoming weaker and feeling anxious, dependent and no longer able to help yourself? Even in “good times,” do you have the feeling that something is wrong and that everything can change at any time? And do you fear endless arguments that will rob you of both your sleep and your sanity, while you can no longer talk to anyone about them for fear of being embarrassed?

What is narcissism?

My help - narcissism advice
1. Write me a message or call me: Description of your request.
2. If you feel like I can help you: 50 minute initial interview.
3. If you continue to feel safe and comfortable: longterm cooperation.


Individual therapy in person and online
Together we create an overview of recurring patterns in order to create an individual problem analysis based on this
to create. A suitable explanation and change model is then developed from which we can derive individually suitable paths. Focus here: problem analysis, one-week stabilization, body work: process and embodiment focused psychology (PEP), enlightenment, action planning: out of the comfort zone, through the fear zone (withdrawal) into the growth zone, processing traumatic experiences and into a healthy one Finding self-confidence and functional trust in others.

Together we create an overview of recurring patterns in order to create an individual problem analysis based on this
to create. A suitable explanation and change model is then developed from which we can derive individually suitable paths. Focus here: problem analysis, one-week stabilization, body work: process and embodiment focused psychology (PEP), enlightenment, action planning: out of the comfort zone, through the fear zone (withdrawal) into the growth zone, processing traumatic experiences and into a healthy one Finding self-confidence and functional trust in others.

Help with fears and consequences of narcissistic abuse
I support women to overcome the self-alienation and emotional wounds they have experienced and to lead an independent life. I have developed a profound and all-encompassing program, which includes two sessions (60 min) per week, a video course about narcissism and its consequences and the opportunity to write to me at any time of the day.
Your freedom and your strength lie within you - as long as you look for them outside, you won't find anything.
Search within yourself, together and not alone.

I support women to overcome the self-alienation and emotional wounds they have experienced and to lead an independent life. I have developed a profound and all-encompassing program, which includes two online calls (60 min) per week, a video course about narcissism and its consequences and the opportunity to write to me at any time of the day.
Your freedom and your strength lie within you - as long as you look for them outside, you won't find anything.
Search within yourself, together, together and not alone.

Team Intervention & Couples Counseling
I support you in dealing with a problem yourself, even in seemingly unsolvable situations, without hurting others.
There is usually no need for long-term couples therapy because changes will happen
usually achieved in individual sessions.

I support you in dealing with a problem yourself, even in seemingly unsolvable situations, without hurting others.
There is usually no need for long-term couples therapy because changes will happen
usually achieved in individual sessions.